Simpleplanes modding
Simpleplanes modding

simpleplanes modding

If anyone wants to know something about how the game works, ask here and I will do my best to answer it. In doing this, we can get off to a better start when modding support is actually released in the future update. Anyways, I am sure that some of you have had your own secret little modding projects going, and I propose we pool our knowledge and make it available to anyone who is interested. Mods are fundamentally compatible between SimplePlanes and SimplePlanes VR, but existing mods are not guaranteed to work when VR is enabled.

simpleplanes modding

With using a text editor on an '.xml' file, physics and logic for parts can be changed, such as editing the 'powerMultiplier' tag on an engine.

#Simpleplanes modding mod

It is useful for those are starting to Mod and Edit their own creations or other users creations. XML Modding has its own Modding Guide on Reddit. XML Modding includes editing a certain block or propeller, etc. I have also been looking into creating partloading plugins for Simpleplanes, but those are untested for the moment and may not work. However, it shares all of the amazing modding support of SimplePlanes, and thus is fully capable of being modded right out of the box. You can help SimplePlanes Wiki by expanding it. I have been studying how the game works and have learned quite a bit about how the game reads parts, and where the true part data is stored. Until now, very few people knew about this because there would have been a serious problem if everyone started trying to tear apart the game before a concrete plan was put in place for modding(for the sake of continued security, I will not reveal what that problem was, I will leave it to the devs' discretion whether or not to elaborate). While you can mod on other platforms, it is by far the easiest to mod with the PC version of the game. Wishing you luck in this mod, sounds like immense fun when it is completed. With the newest version of SimpleRockets (v1.4.4) modding is now supported. Right, so now that mod support has been publicly announced by the developers, I have gotten the green light to reveal that I have actually been working on mods for quite some time. Octoavgarrison Uncategorized No Comments.

Simpleplanes modding